Lenovo THINK SMART HUB 500 Core i5-7500T-2.70GHz,11.6",8GB,128GB SSD,W10P64,3YCThinkSmart Hub 500 is pre-configured for Microsoft Teams Rooms which means you’ll get a device that’s easy to deploy. It includes integrated touch control, efficient functionality, purpose-built design, scalability across room sizes.Designed to simplify meetings.Windows 10 IoT Enterprise software
Tech Specs
Processor |
7th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-7500T Processor (6M Cache, 2.7 GHz, 3.3 GHz max), vPro™
Preload |
Memory |
2 x 4GB, DDR4-2400, 2 x 260-pin SO-DIMM sockets, dual-channel capable
Storage |
128GB M.2 SSD / PCIe NVMe
Optical drive |
Graphics |
Intel HD Graphics 630
Display |
Sensor |
LED indicators |
Chipset |
Intel Q270 Chipset
Dimensions (W x D x H) |
193.25 x 278.9 x 178.45 mm
Weight |
Starting from 2.5 kg
Power Supply |
90W, autosensing, 88% efficiency
Audio support |
Dual 4W speakers, 2 omnidirectional microphones for 360° audio capture
Ethernet |
Gigabit ethernet, Intel Ethernet Connection L219-LM, Wake on LAN®
Wireless LAN |
Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265, Wi-Fi 2×2 802.11ac + Bluetooth® 4.2, Intel vPro technology support
Wireless WAN |
Manageability |
Intel Active Management Technology 11.0, Intel vPro technology
Security chip |
TPM 2.0, TCG certified
Ports |
Certification |
Skype for Business Group Certified